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                當(dāng)前位置:首頁  >  新聞中心  >  【新品】空心玻璃微球


                更新時(shí)間:2016-07-22      點(diǎn)擊次數(shù):1863


                       空心玻璃微球又名玻璃氣泡,密度0.6克/立方厘, 靜壓壓強(qiáng)度28000 psi。它們被重量15%的鎳包裹著。由于其低密度和高強(qiáng)度、鍍鎳空心玻璃微球在汽車、航空航天、電子和建筑材料行業(yè)作為填充料。他們降低了重量和提高尺寸穩(wěn)性。空心鍍鎳(導(dǎo)電)微球通常被用來作為導(dǎo)電鍍銀微球的一種低成本的替代品.

                Conductive Silver Metal Coated Hollow Glass Microspheres 0.15-0.42g/立方厘米 - "Conductospheres™"

                鍍銀(導(dǎo)電)空心玻璃微球  0.15-0.42g/立方厘米 - "Conductospheres™"

                Product ID: M-60-0.16


                Conductive Silver Metal Coated Hollow Glass Microspheres 0.41-0.67g/立方厘米 - "Conductospheres™"

                鍍銀(導(dǎo)電)空心玻璃微球0.41-0.67g/立方厘米 - "Conductospheres™"

                Product ID: M-40-0.49

                Conductive Silver Metal Coated Hollow Glass Microspheres 0.72g/立方厘米 - "Conductospheres™"

                鍍銀(導(dǎo)電)空心玻璃微球0.72g/立方厘米 - "Conductospheres™"

                Product ID: M-18-AG-0.72

                Conductive Silver Metal Coated Hollow Glass Microspheres 1.08g/立方厘米 5-22um

                鍍銀(導(dǎo)電)空心玻璃微球  1.08g/立方厘米 5-22um

                Product ID: HGMS-AG-1.08


                Hollow Glass Microspheres - All Densities and Sizes

                空心玻璃微球  所有密度和大小

                Product ID: HGMS

                Hollow Glass Microspheres 0.06-0.55g/立方厘米 - 5um-250um Classified Grades

                空心玻璃微球 0.06-0.55g/立方厘米 - 5um-250um 特尺寸

                Product ID: HGMS-0.14

                Hollow Glass Microspheres 0.30-0.8g/立方厘米 - 5um-90um Classified Grades

                空心玻璃微球 0.30-0.8g/立方厘米 - 5um-90um 特尺寸

                Product ID: HGMS-0.46

                Hollow Glass Microspheres 0.6g/立方厘米 - 5um-30um

                空心玻璃微球 0.6g/立方厘米 - 5um-30um

                Product ID: HGMS-0.6

                Hollow Glass Microspheres with Conductive Silver Coating - All Sizes/Densities


                Product ID: HGMS-AG


                密度:  0.15-1.08g/立方厘米 varies by product   

                Average Silver Thickness平均鍍銀厚度: ~50nm for M-18/m-40/m-60 products

                Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) Coated Hollow Glass Microspheres - Isospheres and Photospheres

                鍍二氧化鈦空心玻璃微球 Isospheres and Photospheres

                Product ID: TiO2-Coated


                Appearance外觀: White powder白色粉末

                Coating涂層: Rutile Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) 金紅石型二氧化鈦

                Median 中直徑: ~18um

                密度:  ~0.6g/ml

                Crush Strength強(qiáng)度: 28,000psi

                inc Oxide (nO) Coated Hollow Glass Microspheres 0.66g/g 1-30um

                鍍氧化鋅空心玻璃微球 0.66g/g 1-30um

                Product ID: HGMS-nO-0.66 

                版權(quán)所有©2025 上海瑞貝貿(mào)易有限公司 All Rights Reserved    備案號(hào):滬ICP備09036167號(hào)-3     sitemap.xml    管理登陸    技術(shù)支持:化工儀器網(wǎng)

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